Show and Tell

Giselle was very impressed at her school's last Show and Tell day. Her friends Franziska, Liesel, Katharina, and Johanna had all brought their grandmas' presentation boxes to school on that day. Giselle knew her Oma (grandma) was from Austria and also has a beautiful presentation box at her home. She decided to ask Oma if she could borrow the box to bring to the next Show and Tell.

Giselle loves her Oma very much and enjoys spending time with her, listening to music and hearing stories of Oma's little hometown. Oma told Giselle that all the boys there wore Lederhosen. She also talked about the beautiful mountains and countryside and how she would go sledding in the winter. Oma's favorite time of the year was Fasching. This was when the people of the town would wear funny costumes (some even dress as different animals) and have a parade through the town. Giselle thought it must have been a lot of fun for Oma growing up there.

Giselle decided to ask to borrow the presentation box one day after lunch. She would first have to work up her courage (Oma was a little fussy about Giselle playing with things in her house). Much to her delight, she found Oma to be very excited about having her presentation box as the centerpiece of the school event. She told Giselle to come by and get the box a day before she needs to take it to school. Giselle agreed, but still thought it was a little funny that she couldn't just take the box home right away.

On the eve of the big day, Giselle went to Oma's house and was in for a big surprise. The reason for Oma's request to get the box that day became crystal clear. Oma had made Giselle a special dress for her big day. Oma said it was just like the dresses she wore to school when she was a little girl in Austria. Giselle gave Oma a great big hug and kiss and promised to take good care of the box.

Well needless to say, Giselle in her new dress and Oma's presentation box were the hit of the Show and Tell. Everyone loved the little boy in the Lederhosen with his trunk full of toys and they commented on how Giselle looked so pretty in her traditional dress.

Annette Herrmann Originals
780 Milton Oaks Drive - Alpharetta, GA. 30022
Tel: (770) 569-1043